martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

why music performer ?


             When i was a kid, i lived in Arica. i wasn't a very social child, but i loved play the flute (i mean the "flauta dulce") so, that was my first close up with the music like player, i liked other things to, like play chess, football, video games, etc.

All my life i felt atraction to the nature, so when i was a child i dreamed with be a vet, or doctor for help in some way, actually i been thinking in study agronomy.
all this happened before i know the music like something really serious. when i was 12 i met the violin and i fell in love with the music, for my parents all happened so fast, because in a month i was thinking in become a violinist.

Some careers can be more dificult or imposible to realize in the north of our country, so we need come to the capital. when i arrived to Santiago i was so happy and sad at the same time, happy for finally study music and sad for my family and Friends.

My experience in the university is not so bad, i have good teachers and classmates, i really feel im learning. some aspects are complicated but after all the teaching is very good.

I hope some day be a musician of a professional orchestra, have a chamber music group and can teach who need. And if i finally study agronomy, be a contribution to the nature.

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